Harbour Wellness & Counseling Center
Our Story
The idea for Harbour Wellness began as a conversation.
A conversation of what Mental Health Counseling means to our clients. Each meeting acts as a pause from the stressors of our journey.
Much the same as sailors utilized Harbors to weather a storm, stock their ships and continue on their journey. In every port or Harbor town you visit, you experience people on their journey, telling their stories, meeting with old friends and making new ones.
Harbors are Safe, Harbors are Welcoming, Harbors are essential for our journey.
This is what we strive to make Harbour Wellness. A safe haven for each client's journey. A place for them "weather" their storms and continue on their journey.
Now you may be confused by our choice to spell Harbour with a “u”. This too has meaning. The definition of the word “Harbour” is to hold on to something, a thought or a feeling for a long time. Often secretly held and negative feelings. Our hope is that we can assist you in letting go of pain, anger and suffering and work towards, “Harbouring Wellness.”
We thank you for allowing us to be a part of your journey.
The staff of Harbour Wellness.